Source code for ascii_designer.list_model

'''Pythonic list and tree classes that can be used in a GUI.

The general concept for Lists is this:

 - List is wrapped into an :any:`ObsList` (by :any:`ToolkitBase.setval`)
 - The "code-side" of the ``ObsList`` quacks (mostly) like a regular list.
 - The "gui-side" of the ``ObsList``
    - provides event callbacks for insert, replace, remove, sort.
 - a ``ListBinding``:
    - provides COLUMNS (key-value items) dynamically retrieved from each list
      item (using `retrieve` function from here)
    - remembers column and order to be used when sorting
    - has a notion of "selection" (forwarded to a callback)


import logging
from import MutableSequence
import weakref
from .event import EventSource

__all__ = [

L = lambda: logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _do_nothing(*args, **kwargs):

[docs]def retrieve(obj, source): '''Automagic retrieval of object properties. If ``source`` is empty string, return ``str(obj)``. If ``source`` is a plain string (identifier), use ``getattr`` on ``obj``; on error, try ``getitem``. If ``source`` is a list with a single string-valued item, use ``getitem`` on ``obj``. If ``source`` is a callable, return ``source(obj)``. If ``source`` is a 2-tuple, use the first item ("getter") as above. ''' if isinstance(source, tuple) and len(source) == 2: return retrieve(obj, source[0]) elif isinstance(source, str): if source == '': return str(obj) else: try: return getattr(obj, source) except AttributeError as e: try: return obj[source] except TypeError: # raise original exception raise e elif isinstance(source, list) and len(source)==1: return obj[source[0]] elif callable(source): return source(obj) else: raise ValueError('Could not evaluate source: %r'%source)
[docs]def store(obj, val, source): '''Automagic storing of object properties. If ''source`` is a plain string (identifier), use ``setattr`` on ``obj``. If ``source`` is a list with a single string-valued item, use ``setitem`` on ``obj``. If ``source`` is a callable, call it as ``fn(obj, val)``. If ``source`` is a 2-tuple of things, use the second item ("setter") as above. .. note:: `store` is not fully symmetric to its counterpart `retrieve`. * Empty source can not be used for `store` * Plain string source will always use `setitem` without fallback. If you use a single callable as source, it must be able to discern between "getter" and "setter" calls, e.g. by having a special default value for the second parameter. ''' if isinstance(source, tuple) and len(source) == 2: store(obj, val, source[1]) elif isinstance(source, str): if source == '': raise ValueError('Empty string source cannot be used to store data.') else: setattr(obj, source, val) elif isinstance(source, list) and len(source) == 1: obj[source[0]] = val elif callable(source): source(obj, val) else: raise ValueError('Could not evaluate source: %r' % source)
[docs]class ObsList(MutableSequence): ''' Base class for treelist values. Behaves mostly like a list, except that: * it maintains a list of expected attributes (columns) * it provides notification when items are added or removed * it can be made into a tree by means of the ``children_source`` setting (see there). If configured as tree, indexing happens via tuples: * ``mylist[8]`` returns the 8th item at toplevel, as usual * ``mylist[3, 2]`` returns the 2nd item of the 3rd items' children. * ``mylist[3, 2, 12, 0]`` goes 4 levels deep * ``mylist[3, None]`` can be used to retreive the list of children of item 3, instead of a specific child item. Attributes: toolkit_ids: can be indexed in the same way as the nodelist, and gives the toolkit-specific identifier of the list/treeview node. Events: * ``on_insert(idx, item, toolkit_parent_id) -> toolkit_id``: function to call for each inserted item * ``on_replace(toolkit_id, item)``: function to call for replaced item Replacement of item implies that children are "collapsed" again. * ``on_remove(toolkit_id)``: function to call for each removed item * ``on_load_children(toolkit_parent_id, sublist)``: function when children of a node are retrieved. * ``on_get_selection()``: return the items selected in the GUI Must return a List of (original) items. * ``on_sort(sublist, info)``: when list is reordered For ``on_insert``, the handler should return the toolkit_id. This is an unspecified, toolkit-native object identifier. It is used in the other events and for ``find_by_toolkit_id``. Its purpose is to allow easier integration with toolkit-native events and methods. ``on_sort``: Info argument is a dict containing custom info, e.g. column that was sorted by. ''' def __init__(self, iterable=None, binding=None, toolkit_parent_id=None): # TODO: binding is only needed to forward .source(), and causes lots of # headache. How to get rid of it? self.binding = binding self._children_source = None self._has_children_source = None if iterable: self._nodes = [item for item in iterable] else: self._nodes = [] self.toolkit_parent_id = toolkit_parent_id self.toolkit_ids = [None] * len(self._nodes) # If List is turned into a tree by setting children_source, # this is made into a list of child ObsList. # Initially all children are set to None, and will be loaded # lazily by explicit call to ``load_children``. self._childlists = [None]*len(self._nodes) def dummy_handler(*args, **kwargs): return None # key, reverse, info self._sort_info = (None, False, {}) # Events self.on_insert = EventSource() self.on_replace = EventSource() self.on_remove = EventSource() self.on_sort = EventSource() self.on_load_children = EventSource() self.on_get_selection = EventSource() @property def binding(self): '''Weak reference to the binding using this list. If list is attached to multiple Bindings, last one wins. (TODO: make it a list) ''' return self._binding() @binding.setter def binding(self, val): if val is None: self._binding = lambda: None else: self._binding = weakref.ref(val) @property def selection(self): '''returns the sublist of all currently-selected items. Returns empty list if no handler is attached. ''' selection = self.on_get_selection() or [] return selection
[docs] def sources(self, _text=None, **kwargs): '''Forwards to `ListBinding.sources` - see there. ''' binding = self.binding if binding is None: raise RuntimeError('Cannot set sources of detached ObsList') binding.sources(_text=_text, **kwargs)
[docs] def children_source(self, children_source, has_children_source=None): '''Sets the source for children of each list item, turning the list into a tree. ``children``, ``has_children`` follow the same semantics as other sources. Resolving ``children`` should return an iterable that will be turned into an ``ObsList`` of its own. ``has_children`` should return a truthy value that is used to decide whether to display the expander. If omitted, all nodes get the expander initially if children_source is set. Children source only applies when the list of children is initially retrieved. Once the children are retrieved, source changes do not affect already-retrieved children anymore. ``has_children`` is usually evaluated immediately, because the treeview needs to decide whether to display an expander icon. ''' self._children_source = children_source if not has_children_source: has_children_source = (lambda obj: True) self._has_children_source = has_children_source self._childlists = [None] * len(self._nodes)
[docs] def has_children(self, item): if not self._children_source: return False return retrieve(item, self._has_children_source)
[docs] def load_children(self, idx_tuple): '''Retrieves the childlist of item at given idx. ''' source = self._children_source if not source: # not a tree return lst, idx = self._list_idx(idx_tuple) item = lst._nodes[idx] childlist = retrieve(item, source) childlist = ObsList(childlist, toolkit_parent_id=self.toolkit_ids[idx]) # Child SHARES event handlers and child source childlist._children_source = self._children_source childlist._has_children_source = self._has_children_source childlist.on_insert = self.on_insert childlist.on_replace = self.on_replace childlist.on_remove = self.on_remove childlist.on_load_children = self.on_load_children childlist.on_sort = self.on_sort childlist.on_get_selection = self.on_get_selection lst._childlists[idx] = childlist lst.on_load_children(childlist)
[docs] def get_children(self, idx_tuple): '''Get childlist of item at given idx, loading it if not already loaded.''' lst, idx = self._list_idx(idx_tuple) if lst._childlists[idx_tuple] is None: self.load_children(idx_tuple) return lst._childlists[idx]
[docs] def sort(self, key=None, reverse=False, info=None, restore=False): '''Sort the list. ``info`` is optional information to be passed on to on_sort. Set ``restore`` to reuse key and info from last ``sort`` call. ''' if restore: key, reverse, info = self._sort_info self._sort_info = (key, reverse, info) if key is None: key=lambda x: x sl = [ (item, iid, childlist) for item, iid, childlist in zip( self._nodes, self.toolkit_ids, self._childlists ) ] sl.sort(key=lambda t: key(t[0]), reverse=reverse) self._nodes = [t[0] for t in sl] self.toolkit_ids = [t[1] for t in sl] self._childlists = [t[2] for t in sl] self.on_sort(self, info=info or {})
# FIXME: sort childlists as well?
[docs] def find(self, item): '''Finds the sublist and index of the item. Returns ``(sublist: ObsList, idx: int)``. If not found, raises ValueError. Scans the whole tree for the item. ''' return self._find(item, False, False)
[docs] def find2(self, item): '''Finds the tuple-index of the item. Returns ``idx: Tuple[int]``. If not found, raises ValueError. Scans the whole tree for the item. ''' return self._find(item, False, True)
[docs] def find_by_toolkit_id(self, toolkit_id): '''finds the sublist and index of the item having the given toolkit id. Returns ``(sublist: ObsList, idx: int)``. If not found, raises ValueError. Scans the whole tree for the item. ''' return self._find(toolkit_id, True, False)
[docs] def find_by_toolkit_id2(self, item): '''Finds the tuple-index of the item having the given toolkit id. Returns ``idx: Tuple[int]``. If not found, raises ValueError. Scans the whole tree for the item. ''' return self._find(item, True, True)
def _find(self, needle, is_tkid, return_idx_tuple): """Implementation of find.""" lst = self.toolkit_ids if is_tkid else self._nodes try: idx = lst.index(needle) # if we got here, we found it if return_idx_tuple: return (idx,) else: return self, idx except ValueError: # Not in own items, search children for n, childlist in enumerate(self._childlists): if childlist is None: continue try: result = childlist._find(needle, is_tkid, return_idx_tuple) except ValueError: continue else: if return_idx_tuple: return (n,) + result else: return result # not found raise ValueError(f'{"Toolkit ID " if is_tkid else "Item"} not in tree', needle) def _list_idx(self, idx_tuple): if isinstance(idx_tuple, tuple): lst = self for idx in idx_tuple[:-1]: lst = lst._childlists[idx] return lst, idx_tuple[-1] else: return self, idx_tuple def __getitem__(self, idx_tuple): lst, idx = self._list_idx(idx_tuple) return lst if idx is None else lst._nodes[idx] def __len__(self): return len(self._nodes) def __setitem__(self, idx_tuple, item): lst, idx = self._list_idx(idx_tuple) lst._nodes[idx] = item # collapse lst._childlists[idx] = None lst.sorted = False lst.on_replace(self.toolkit_ids[idx], item) def __delitem__(self, idx_tuple): lst, idx = self._list_idx(idx_tuple) del lst._nodes[idx] lst._childlists.pop(idx) tkid = lst.toolkit_ids.pop(idx) lst.on_remove(tkid)
[docs] def insert(self, idx_tuple, item): lst, idx = self._list_idx(idx_tuple) N = len(lst._nodes) if idx<0: idx += N if idx<0: idx = 0 else: if idx > N: idx = N lst._nodes.insert(idx, item) # cannot use "truthy" value since list might be empty lst._childlists.insert(idx, None) lst.sorted = False tkid = lst.on_insert(idx, item, self.toolkit_parent_id) lst.toolkit_ids.insert(idx, tkid) return idx, item
[docs] def item_mutated(self, item): '''Call this when you mutated the item (which must be in this list) and want to update the GUI. ''' idx = self._nodes.index(item) # do NOT collapse self.sorted = False self.on_replace(self.toolkit_ids[idx], item)