Source code for ascii_designer.autoframe

import logging

from .ascii_slice import slice_grid, merged_cells
from .toolkit import get_toolkit

__all__ = [

def L():
    return logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _convert_title(classname):
    # insert space before each capital letter
    title = ''.join(map(lambda x: x if x.islower() else " "+x, classname))
    title = title.strip()
    return title

[docs]class AutoFrame: ''' class name is converted to title. Override with f_title. Body definition with f_body. To create own widgets or customize the autocreated ones, override :any:`f_build`. Get at the created controls using AutoFrame[key]. close(), exit(), quit() provided for convenience. Functions with same name as a control are autobound to the default handler (click or changed). Attributes are autobound to the control value (get/set), except if they are explicitly overwritten. ''' def __init__(self): self.__dict__['f_controls'] = {} self.__dict__['f_toolkit'] = get_toolkit() try: title = self.f_title except AttributeError: self.f_title = _convert_title(self.__class__.__name__) try: menu = self.f_menu except AttributeError: self.f_menu = []
[docs] def f_show(self): '''Bring the frame on the screen.''' if not self.f_controls: root = self.f_controls[''] = self.f_toolkit.root(title=self.f_title, on_close=self.close) self.f_build(root, self.f_body) self.f_build_menu(root, self.f_menu)
[docs] def f_build(self, parent, body=None): body = body or self.f_body sliced_grid = slice_grid(body) # init rows / columns for col, head in enumerate(sliced_grid.column_heads): self.f_toolkit.col_stretch(parent, col, head.count('-')) for row, cells in enumerate(sliced_grid.body_lines): # first cell head = cells[0:1] # first char of first cell if head: head = head[0][0:1] self.f_toolkit.row_stretch(parent, row, 1 if head=='I' else 0) self.f_add_widgets(parent, sliced_grid, autoframe=self)
[docs] def f_build_menu(self, parent, menu=None): '''Builds the menu from the given menu definition. Menu definition is a list which can (currently) contain actions and submenus. An Action is simply a string, which is converted to an identifier following the same rules as the other widgets. It triggers the ``self.`` method named as the identifier. The method must be defined. A submenu is created by a string ending in ">", followed by an item which is itself a list (the submenu content). Example: >>> menu = [ 'File >', ['Open', 'Save', 'Quit'], 'Help >', ['About'], ] >>> autoframe.f_build_menu(autoframe.f_controls(''), menu) ''' menudef = menu or self.f_menu if not menudef: return toolkit = self.f_toolkit mroot = toolkit.menu_root(parent) toolkit.parse_menu(mroot, menudef, self)
[docs] def f_add_widgets(self, parent, sliced_grid=None, body=None, offset_row=0, offset_col=0, autoframe=None): if not sliced_grid: sliced_grid = slice_grid(body) toolkit = self.f_toolkit autoframe = autoframe or self # create controls for grid_element in merged_cells(sliced_grid): if not grid_element.text.strip(): continue id, widget = toolkit.parse(parent, grid_element.text) # place on the grid e = grid_element, row=e.row+offset_row, col=e.col+offset_col, rowspan=e.rowspan, colspan=e.colspan) text = e.text.replace('~',' ') toolkit.anchor(widget, left=not text.startswith(' '), right=not text.endswith(' ')) # autowire try: attr = getattr(autoframe, id) except AttributeError: attr = None if attr is None or not callable(attr): # try with "on_<attr>" try: attr = getattr(autoframe, 'on_'+id) except AttributeError: attr = None # not callable if callable(attr): toolkit.connect(widget, attr) self.f_controls[id] = widget
def __setattr__(self, name, val): if name in self: self.f_toolkit.setval(self[name], val) else: super().__setattr__(name, val) def __getattr__(self, name): if 'f_controls' not in self.__dict__: raise RuntimeError('You forgot to call super().__init__!') if name in self.f_controls: # use toolkit to extract value from the widget return self.f_toolkit.getval(self[name]) else: raise AttributeError('Attribute %s is not defined'%(name,)) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.f_controls[key] def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.f_controls
[docs] def close(self): '''Close the window. This is also called when the window is closed using the x button. Be sure to call ``super().close()`` or your window won't close. ''' self.f_toolkit.close(self[''])
[docs] def quit(self): return self.close()
[docs] def exit(self): return self.close()