Source code for ascii_designer.toolkit

import logging
import re
import itertools as it

L = lambda: logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [


[docs]def set_toolkit(toolkit_name): toolkit_name = toolkit_name.lower() if toolkit_name not in 'tk qt'.split(' '): raise ValueError('Unsupported toolkit "%s"'%toolkit_name) global _TOOLKIT_NAME _TOOLKIT_NAME = toolkit_name
[docs]def get_toolkit(): if _TOOLKIT_NAME == 'tk': from .toolkit_tk import ToolkitTk return ToolkitTk() elif _TOOLKIT_NAME == 'qt': from .toolkit_qt import ToolkitQt return ToolkitQt()
_unique_id_dispenser = it.count() _re_whitelist = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z0-9_]')
[docs]def auto_id(id, text=None, last_label_id=''): '''for missing id, calculate one from text.''' if id: return id.casefold() text = text or '' text = text.strip().casefold().replace(" ", "_") good_chars = [c for c in text if _re_whitelist.match(c)] id = ''.join(good_chars) if id[0:1].isnumeric(): id = 'x'+id if not id: id = last_label_id if not id: id = 'x'+str(next(_unique_id_dispenser)) return id
_re_maybe_id_text = r'(?:\s*(?P<id>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*\:)?\s*(?P<text>[^(]*?)?\s*'
[docs]class ToolkitBase: # (name, regex, human-readable explanation) grammar = [ ('box', r'\<%s\>'%_re_maybe_id_text, '"<Text>"'), ('option', r'\((?P<checked> |x)\)\s+%s$'%_re_maybe_id_text, '"( ) text" or "(x) text"'), ('checkbox', r'\[(?P<checked> |x)\]\s+%s$'%_re_maybe_id_text, '"[ ] Text" or "[x] Text"'), ('slider', r'\[\s*(?P<id>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*\:\s*(?P<min>\d+)\s*\-\+\-\s*(?P<max>\d+)\s*\]', '[id: 0 -+- 100]'), ('multiline',r'\[%s__\s*\]'%_re_maybe_id_text, '"[Text__]"'), ('textbox',r'\[%s_\s*\]'%_re_maybe_id_text, '"[Text_]"'), ('treelist',r'\[\s*=%s(?:\((?P<columns>.*?)\))?\s*\]'%_re_maybe_id_text, '"[= Text]" or [= Text (column1, column2, ..)]'), ('combo',r'\[%s_\s*(?:\((?P<values>.*?)\))?\s+v\s*\]'%_re_maybe_id_text, '"[Text_ v]" or "[Text_ (val1, val2, ...) v]'), ('dropdown',r'\[%s(?:\((?P<values>.*?)\))?\s+v\s*\]'%_re_maybe_id_text, '"[Text v]" or "[Text (val1, val2, ...) v]'), ('button', r'\[%s\]'%_re_maybe_id_text, '"[Text]"'), ('label', r'(?P<id>)(?:\.)?(?P<text>.+?)$', '"Text" or ".Text"'), ] menu_grammar = [ ('sub', r'%s>'%_re_maybe_id_text, '"text >"'), ('command', r'''(?ix)\s* (?P<id>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\s*\:)? (?P<text>[^#]+) (?:\#(?P<shortcut>[a-zA-Z0-9-]*))? ''', '"text :C-A-S-x"'), ] default_shortcuts = { 'new': 'C-N', 'open': 'C-O', 'save': 'C-S', 'undo': 'C-Z', 'redo': 'C-S-Z', 'cut': 'C-X', 'copy': 'C-C', 'paste': 'C-P', 'find': 'C-F', 'refresh': 'F5', } def __init__(self): self._last_label_id = ''
[docs] def root(self, title='Window', on_close=None): '''make a root (window) widget. Optionally you can give a close handler.'''
[docs] def parse(self, parent, text): '''Returns the widget id and widget generated from the textual definition. Autogenerates id: - If given, use it - else, try to use text (extract all ``a-z0-9_`` chars) - else, use 'x123' with 123 being a globally unique number For label type, id handling is special: - The label's id will be ``"label_"`` + id - The id will be remembered and used on the next widget, if it has no id. If nothing matched, return None, None. ''' mangled_text = text.replace("~", ' ').strip() for name, regex, _ in self.grammar: m = re.match(regex, mangled_text) if m: d = m.groupdict() # special treatment for box if name == 'box': d['given_id'] = d['id'] d['id'] = auto_id(d['id'], d.get('text', ''), self._last_label_id) # Special treatment for label if name == 'label': self._last_label_id = d['id'] d['id'] = 'label_'+d['id'] else: self._last_label_id = '' if 'text' in d: d['text'] = (d['text'] or '').strip() L().debug('%r --> %s %r', text, name, d) widget = getattr(self, name)(parent, **d) if widget is None: widget = self.label(parent, text='<UNSUPPORTED>') #raise ValueError('This toolkit does not support %s widget type.'%name) return d['id'], widget raise ValueError('Could not convert widget: %r'%(text,))
[docs] def parse_menu(self, parent, menudef, handlers): '''Parse menu definition list and attach to the handlers''' menudef = menudef[:] while menudef: item = menudef.pop(0) for name, regex, _ in self.menu_grammar: m = re.match(regex, item) if m: d = m.groupdict() d['id'] = auto_id(d['id'], d.get('text', '')) if 'text' in d: d['text'] = (d['text'] or '').strip() L().debug('Menuentry %r --> %s %r', item, name, d) if name == 'sub': submenu = self.menu_sub(parent, **d) self.parse_menu(submenu, menudef.pop(0), handlers) elif name == 'command': if d['shortcut'] is None and d['id'] in self.default_shortcuts: d['shortcut'] = self.default_shortcuts[d['id']] self.menu_command(parent, handler=getattr(handlers, d['id']), **d) else: raise ValueError(item) break
[docs] def row_stretch(self, container, row, proportion): '''set the given row to stretch according to the proportion.'''
[docs] def col_stretch(self, container, col, proportion): '''set the given col to stretch according to the proportion.'''
[docs] def anchor(self, widget, left=True, right=True, top=True, bottom=True): '''anchor the widget. Depending on the anchors, widget will be left-, right-, center-aligned or stretched. '''
[docs] def place(self, widget, row=0, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=1): '''place widget'''
[docs] def connect(self, widget, function): '''bind the widget's default event to function. Default event is: * click() for a button * value_changed(new_value) for value-type controls; usually fired after focus-lost or Return-press. '''
[docs] def getval(self, widget): '''get python-type value from widget. '''
[docs] def setval(self, widget, value): '''update the widget from given python-type value. value-setting must not interfere with, i.e. not happen when the user is editing the widget. '''
[docs] def show(self, frame): '''do what is necessary to make frame appear onscreen. This should start the event loop if necessary. '''
[docs] def close(self, frame): '''close the frame'''
# ----- widget generators ------
[docs] def box(self, parent, id=None, text='', given_id=''): '''An empty panel (frame, widget, however you call it) or group box that you can fill with own widgets. ``given_id`` is the user-given id value, as opposed to ``id`` (the autogenerated one). A Group box is created if text AND given_id are set. The virtual attribute value is the panel itself, or in case of groupbox the contained panel. '''
[docs] def label(self, parent, id=None, label_id=None, text=''): '''label'''
[docs] def button(self, parent, id=None, text=''): '''button'''
[docs] def textbox(self, parent, id=None, text=''): '''single-line text entry box'''
[docs] def multiline(self, parent, id=None, text=''): '''multiline text entry box'''
[docs] def treelist(self, parent, id=None, text='', columns=None): '''treeview (also usable as plain list)'''
[docs] def dropdown(self, parent, id=None, text='', values=None): '''dropdown box; values is the raw string between the parens. Only preset choices allowed.'''
[docs] def combo(self, parent, id=None, text='', values=None): '''combo box; values is the raw string between the parens. Free-text allowed.'''
[docs] def option(self, parent, id=None, text='', checked=None): '''Option button. Prefix 'O' for unchecked, '0' for checked.'''
[docs] def checkbox(self, parent, id=None, text='', checked=None): '''Checkbox'''
[docs] def slider(self, parent, id=None, min=None, max=None): '''slider, integer values, from min to max'''
[docs] def menu_root(self, parent): '''Create menu object and set as parent's menu.'''
[docs] def menu_sub(self, parent, id, text): '''Append submenu labeled ``text`` to menu ``parent``.'''
[docs] def menu_command(self, parent, id, text, shortcut, handler): '''Append command labeled ``text`` to menu ``parent``. Handler: ``func() -> None``, is immediately connected. ``shortcut`` follows the syntax ``(modifier)-(key)``, where ``modifier`` is one or more of ``C``, ``S``, ``A`` for Ctrl, Shift, Alt respectively. '''