Source code for ascii_designer.toolkit_qt

ToolkitQt-specific notes:

 * Alignment / Stretch not 100% reliable so far, if using row/col-span.
 * Tree / List widget not available so far
 * closing of form with X button cannot be stopped in the default handler. If 
    you need to do this, replace (root).closeEvent function.

import sys
import PyQt4 as qt
from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt, QAbstractItemModel, QModelIndex
import PyQt4.QtGui as qg

from .toolkit import ToolkitBase
from .list_model import ObsList

__all__ = [

_qtapp = qg.QApplication(sys.argv)

def _make_focusout(func):
    def _pte_focusOutEvent(event):
        if event.reason() != Qt.PopupFocusReason:
    return _pte_focusOutEvent

[docs]class ToolkitQt(ToolkitBase): default_shortcuts = { 'new': qg.QKeySequence.New, 'open': qg.QKeySequence.Open, 'save': qg.QKeySequence.Save, 'undo': qg.QKeySequence.Undo, 'redo': qg.QKeySequence.Redo, 'cut': qg.QKeySequence.Cut, 'copy': qg.QKeySequence.Copy, 'paste': qg.QKeySequence.Paste, 'find': qg.QKeySequence.Find, 'refresh': qg.QKeySequence.Refresh, # these are in addition to the Toolkit.default_shortcuts 'save_as': qg.QKeySequence.SaveAs, 'delete': qg.QKeySequence.Delete, 'preferences': qg.QKeySequence.Preferences, 'quit': qg.QKeySequence.Quit, } def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) # widget generators
[docs] def root(self, title='Window', on_close=None): '''make a root (window) widget''' root = qg.QMainWindow() cw = qg.QWidget(root) root.setCentralWidget(cw) cw.setLayout(qg.QGridLayout()) root.setWindowTitle(title) if on_close: root.closeEvent = lambda ev: on_close() return root
[docs] def show(self, frame): '''do what is necessary to make frame appear onscreen.''' # now this is really not pretty, but as it says above, do what is necessary. global _qt_running if not _qt_running: _qt_running=True _qtapp.exec_() _qt_running=False
[docs] def close(self, frame): '''close the frame''' frame.close()
[docs] def place(self, widget, row=0, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=1): '''place widget''' widget.parent().layout().addWidget(widget, row, col, rowspan, colspan)
[docs] def connect(self, widget, function): '''bind the widget's default event to function. Default event is: * click() for a button * value_changed(new_value) for value-type controls; usually fired after focus-lost or Return-press. ''' if isinstance(widget, qg.QPushButton): widget.clicked.connect(lambda *args: function()) return elif isinstance(widget, qg.QTreeView): def handler(*args, widget=widget): mindex = widget.currentIndex() sl = mindex.internalPointer() item = sl[mindex.row()] function(item) widget.clicked.connect(handler) return # other cases handler = lambda *args, widget=widget: function(self.getval(widget)) if isinstance(widget, (qg.QCheckBox, qg.QRadioButton)): # FIXME: For radiobutton, give the selected ID as value widget.toggled.connect(handler) elif isinstance(widget, qg.QLineEdit): widget.editingFinished.connect(handler) elif isinstance(widget, qg.QPlainTextEdit): widget.focusOutEvent = _make_focusout(handler) elif isinstance(widget, qg.QComboBox): if widget.isEditable(): widget.lineEdit().editingFinished.connect(handler) else: widget.currentIndexChanged.connect(handler) elif isinstance(widget, qg.QSlider): widget.valueChanged.connect(handler) else: raise TypeError('I do not know how to connect a %s'%(widget.__class__.__name__))
[docs] def getval(self, widget): cls = widget.__class__ if cls is qg.QWidget: return widget if cls is qg.QGroupBox: # child 0 is the layout, 1 the subwidget return widget.children()[1] if cls is qg.QPushButton: return widget.text() # FIXME: for Radio Button, return checked ID if cls is qg.QRadioButton: return widget.isChecked() if cls is qg.QCheckBox: return widget.isChecked() if cls is qg.QLineEdit: return widget.text() if cls is qg.QPlainTextEdit: return widget.toPlainText() if cls is qg.QSlider: return widget.value() if cls is qg.QComboBox: if widget.isEditable(): return widget.lineEdit().text() else: idx = widget.currentIndex() return widget.itemText(idx) if idx >= 0 else None if cls is qg.QTreeView: return widget.model().getList()
[docs] def setval(self, widget, value): if widget.hasFocus(): # FIXME: check the appropriate modified indicators for the wiget # if not modified, go through return if type(widget) in (qg.QWidget, qg.QGroupBox): if type(widget) is qg.QGroupBox: # child 0 is the layout, 1 the subwidget widget = widget.children()[1] # Replace the frame with the given value if value.parent() is not widget.parent(): raise ValueError('Replacement widget must have the same parent') # copy grid info layout = widget.parent().layout() idx = layout.indexOf(widget) row, col, rowspan, colspan = layout.getItemPosition(idx) # remove frame widget.deleteLater() # place new widget, row, col, rowspan, colspan) # FIXME: I could not figure out how to query the orignal widget's alignment. self.anchor(value, True,True,True,True) elif isinstance(widget, qg.QPushButton): widget.setText(value) elif isinstance(widget, (qg.QCheckBox, qg.QRadioButton)): widget.setChecked(value) elif isinstance(widget, qg.QLineEdit): widget.setText(value) elif isinstance(widget, qg.QPlainTextEdit): widget.document().setPlainText(value) elif isinstance(widget, qg.QComboBox): if widget.isEditable(): widget.lineEdit().setText(value) else: idx = widget.findText(value) if idx<0: raise ValueError('Tried to set value "%s" that is not in the list.'%value) widget.setCurrentIndex(idx) elif isinstance(widget, qg.QSlider): widget.setValue(value) elif isinstance(widget, qg.QTreeView): widget.model().setList(value) else: raise TypeError('I do not know how to set the value of a %s'%(widget.__class__.__name__))
[docs] def row_stretch(self, container, row, proportion): '''set the given row to stretch according to the proportion.''' if isinstance(container, qg.QMainWindow): container = container.centralWidget() container.layout().setRowStretch(row, proportion)
[docs] def col_stretch(self, container, col, proportion): '''set the given col to stretch according to the proportion.''' if isinstance(container, qg.QMainWindow): container = container.centralWidget() container.layout().setColumnStretch(col, proportion)
[docs] def anchor(self, widget, left=True, right=True, top=True, bottom=True): '''anchor the widget. Depending on the anchors, widget will be left-, right-, center-aligned or stretched. ''' align = { (False, False): Qt.AlignHCenter, (True, False): Qt.AlignLeft, (False, True): Qt.AlignRight, (True, True): Qt.Alignment() }[(left, right)] widget.parent().layout().setAlignment(widget, align)
# Widgets
[docs] def box(self, parent, id=None, text='', given_id=''): if isinstance(parent, qg.QMainWindow): parent = parent.centralWidget() if given_id and text: f = qg.QGroupBox(parent=parent, title=text) f.setLayout(qg.QGridLayout()) self.row_stretch(f, 0, 1) self.col_stretch(f, 0, 1) inner = qg.QWidget(f), 0, 0) inner.setLayout(qg.QGridLayout()) else: f = qg.QWidget(parent) f.setLayout(qg.QGridLayout()) return f
[docs] def label(self, parent, id=None, label_id=None, text=''): '''label''' if isinstance(parent, qg.QMainWindow): parent = parent.centralWidget() return qg.QLabel(parent=parent, text=text)
[docs] def button(self, parent, id=None, text=''): '''button''' if isinstance(parent, qg.QMainWindow): parent = parent.centralWidget() return qg.QPushButton(parent=parent, text=text)
[docs] def textbox(self, parent, id=None, text=''): '''single-line text entry box''' if isinstance(parent, qg.QMainWindow): parent = parent.centralWidget() return qg.QLineEdit(text, parent=parent)
[docs] def multiline(self, parent, id=None, text=''): '''multi-line text entry box''' if isinstance(parent, qg.QMainWindow): parent = parent.centralWidget() return qg.QPlainTextEdit(text, parent=parent)
[docs] def treelist(self, parent, id=None, text='', columns=None): '''treeview (also usable as plain list) Qt notes: The model does no caching on its own, but retrieves item data all the time. I.e. if your columns are costly to calculate, roll your own caching please. ''' if isinstance(parent, qg.QMainWindow): parent = parent.centralWidget() if columns: columns = [txt.strip() for txt in columns.split(',')] else: columns = [] keys = [name.lower() for name in columns] if text: keys.insert(0, '') columns.insert(0, text.strip()) w = qg.QTreeView(parent) model = TreeModel(w, keys, columns) w.setModel(model) # connect events w.expanded.connect(model.on_gui_expand) w.setSortingEnabled(True) w.sortByColumn(-1) return w
[docs] def dropdown(self, parent, id=None, text='', values=None): '''dropdown box; values is the raw string between the parens. Only preset choices allowed.''' if isinstance(parent, qg.QMainWindow): parent = parent.centralWidget() w = qg.QComboBox(parent) choices = [v.strip() for v in (values or '').split(',') if v.strip()] w.addItems(choices) return w
[docs] def combo(self, parent, id=None, text='', values=None): '''dropdown with editable values.''' if isinstance(parent, qg.QMainWindow): parent = parent.centralWidget() w = self.dropdown(parent, id=id, text=text, values=values) w.setEditable(True) return w
[docs] def option(self, parent, id=None, text='', checked=None): '''Option button. Prefix 'O' for unchecked, '0' for checked.''' if isinstance(parent, qg.QMainWindow): parent = parent.centralWidget() rb = qg.QRadioButton(text, parent=parent) rb.setChecked((checked=='x')) return rb
[docs] def checkbox(self, parent, id=None, text='', checked=None): '''Checkbox''' if isinstance(parent, qg.QMainWindow): parent = parent.centralWidget() cb = qg.QCheckBox(text, parent=parent) cb.setChecked((checked=='x')) return cb
[docs] def slider(self, parent, id=None, min=None, max=None): '''slider, integer values, from min to max''' if isinstance(parent, qg.QMainWindow): parent = parent.centralWidget() s = qg.QSlider(Qt.Horizontal, parent=parent) s.setMinimum(int(min)) s.setMaximum(int(max)) s.setTickPosition(qg.QSlider.TicksBelow) return s
[docs] def menu_root(self, parent): '''Create menu object and set as parent's menu.''' return parent.menuBar()
[docs] def menu_sub(self, parent, id, text): '''Append submenu labeled ``text`` to menu ``parent``.''' m = parent.addMenu(text) return m
[docs] def menu_command(self, parent, id, text, shortcut, handler): '''Append command labeled ``text`` to menu ``parent``. Handler: ``func() -> None``, is immediately connected. ''' action = qg.QAction(text, parent) if shortcut: if isinstance(shortcut, str): # parse shortcut shortcut = (shortcut .upper() .replace('C-', 'Ctrl+') .replace('S-', 'Shift+') .replace('A-', 'Alt+') ) shortcut = qg.QKeySequence(shortcut) action.setShortcut(shortcut) action.triggered.connect(handler) parent.addAction(action)
class TreeModel(QAbstractItemModel): def __init__(self, treeview, keys, captions): super().__init__(parent=treeview) self._keys = keys self._captions = captions self._nl = ObsList(keys=keys, toolkit_parent_id=QModelIndex()) self._nl.set_listener(self) self._tv = treeview def getList(self): return self._nl def setList(self, val): '''replace all current items by the new iterable ``val``.''' self.modelAboutToBeReset.emit() old_nl = self._nl if old_nl is not None: old_nl.set_listener(None) self._nl = ObsList(val, meta=old_nl._meta, toolkit_parent_id=QModelIndex()) self._nl.set_listener(self) self.modelReset.emit() def columnCount(self, parent): return len(self._keys) def headerData(self, section, orientation, role): if orientation == Qt.Horizontal: if role == Qt.DisplayRole: return self._captions[section] return None def _idx2sl(self, model_index): '''returns (sublist, item idx)''' if not model_index.isValid(): return None, None return (model_index.internalPointer(), model_index.row()) def hasChildren(self, parent): sl, idx = self._idx2sl(parent) if sl is None: return True return sl.has_children(sl[idx]) def rowCount(self, parent): pl, idx = self._idx2sl(parent) if parent.column() > 0: return 0 if pl is None: sl = self._nl else: #sl = pl.get_children(idx) sl = pl._childlists[idx] if sl is not None: sl.toolkit_parent_id = parent return len(sl or []) def index(self, row, column, parent): if not self.hasIndex(row, column, parent): return QModelIndex() if column >= len(self._keys): return QModelIndex() pl, idx = self._idx2sl(parent) if pl is None: sl = self._nl else: #sl = pl.get_children(idx) sl = pl._childlists[idx] if sl is not None: sl.toolkit_parent_id = parent else: sl = [] if row < len(sl): # internalPointer is the ObsList CONTAINING our item. model_index = self.createIndex(row, column, sl) sl.toolkit_ids[row] = model_index return model_index else: return QModelIndex() def data(self, index, role): if not index.isValid(): return None if role != Qt.DisplayRole: return None sl, idx = self._idx2sl(index) item = sl[idx] key = self._keys[index.column()] return sl.retrieve(item, key) def flags(self, index): if not index.isValid(): return Qt.NoItemFlags return Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable def parent(self, index): if not index.isValid(): return QModelIndex() sl, idx = self._idx2sl(index) # root item if sl is self._nl: return QModelIndex() # otherwise return sl.toolkit_parent_id # === ObsList handlers === def on_insert(self, idx, item, toolkit_parent_id): self.layoutChanged.emit() def on_load_children(self, children): self.layoutChanged.emit() def on_replace(self, iid, item): sl, idx = self._nl.find(item) top_left = self.createIndex(idx, 0, sl) btm_right = self.createIndex(idx, len(self._keys)-1, sl) self.dataChanged.emit(top_left, btm_right) def on_remove(self, iid): self.layoutChanged.emit() def on_sort(self, nl): self.layoutChanged.emit() def on_get_selection(self): indexes = self._tv.selectedIndexes() return [ sl[idx] for model_index in indexes if model_index.column() == 0 for sl, idx in [self._idx2sl(model_index)] ] # === GUI event handlers === def on_gui_expand(self, mindex): sl, idx = self._idx2sl(mindex) print('expand', idx) sl.load_children(idx) # actually not a connected handler def sort(self, column, order): if column < 0: # do nothing return ascending = (order == Qt.AscendingOrder) key = self._keys[column] self._nl.sort(key, ascending)