Source code for ascii_designer.toolkit_tk

'''This is a construction site...''' 

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter.scrolledtext import ScrolledText
from tkinter import font
from tkinter import ttk
from .toolkit import ToolkitBase
from .list_model import ObsList

#ttk = tk

__all__ = [

_ICONS = { 
'downarrow': """
    ##    ##
   ###    ###---
   ####  ####
'uparrow': """
   ####  ####
   ###    ###
    ##    ##----
'sort_asc': """
        ### ###
        ### ###
        ### ###
    ### ### ###
    ### ### ###
    ### ### ###
### ### ### ###
### ### ### ###
### ### ### ###
'sort_desc': """
### ###
### ###
### ###
### ### ###
### ### ###
### ### ###
### ### ### ###
### ### ### ###
### ### ### ###

def _aa2xbm(txt, marker='#'):
    lines = txt.split('\n')
    lines = [l for l in lines if l]
    template = '''
        #define im_width %d
        #define im_height %d
        static char im_bits[] = { %s };
    width = max(len(l) for l in lines)
    height = len(lines)
    # pad all lines to width
    lines = [l+' '*(width-len(l)) for l in lines]
    data = ''.join(lines)
    # we need to reverse-index, but that cannot get at element 0
    # since x[n:0:-1] gives you elements n, n-1, ... 1
    # hacky solution: prepend a dummy char
    data = 'x'+''.join('1' if char == marker else '0' for char in data)
    enc_data= [
        for ofs in range(0, len(data)-1, 8)
    enc_data = ','.join(enc_data)
    xbm = template%(width, height, enc_data)

def _unique(parent, id):
    except KeyError:
        return id
        # id exists
        return ''
_master_window = None
def start_mainloop_if_necessary(widget):
    if isinstance(widget, tk.Tk):

[docs]class ToolkitTk(ToolkitBase): ''' Builds Tk widgets. Returns the raw Tk widget (no wrapper). For each widget, a Tk Variable is generated. It is stored in ``<widget>.variable`` (attached as additional property). If you create Radio buttons, they will all share the same variable. The multiline widget is a tkinter.scrolledtext.ScrolledText and has no variable. The ComboBox / Dropdown box is taken from ttk. Box variable (placeholder): If you replace the box by setting its virtual attribute, the replacement widget must have the same master as the box: in case of normal box the frame root, in case of group box the group box. Recommendation: ``new_widget = tk.Something(master=autoframe.the_box.master)`` ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # FIXME: global radiobutton var - all rb's created by this toolkit instance are connected. # Find a better way of grouping (by parent maybe?) self._radiobutton_var = None # widget generators
[docs] def root(self, title='Window', on_close=None): '''make a root (window) widget''' global _master_window if _master_window is None: _master_window = root = tk.Tk() # store as attributes so that they do not get GC'd root.icons = { key: tk.BitmapImage(name='::icons::%s'%key, data=_aa2xbm(data)) for key, data in _ICONS.items() } else: root = tk.Toplevel() scale = root.winfo_fpixels('1i') / 72.0'tk', 'scaling', scale) root.option_add('*Font', self._sane_font) # XXX does not work when opening another frame style = ttk.Style() style.configure(".", font=self._sane_font) style.configure("Treeview.Heading", font=('Helvetica', 12, 'bold')) style.configure("Treeview", rowheight=30) root.title(title) if on_close: root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', on_close) return root
@property def _sane_font(self): if not hasattr(self, '_sane_font_cached'): self._sane_font_cached = font.Font(family='Helvetica', size=12) return self._sane_font_cached
[docs] def show(self, frame): '''do what is necessary to make frame appear onscreen.''' start_mainloop_if_necessary(frame)
[docs] def close(self, frame): '''close the frame''' frame.destroy()
[docs] def place(self, widget, row=0, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=1): '''place widget''' widget.grid(row=row,rowspan=rowspan, column=col, columnspan=colspan)
[docs] def connect(self, widget, function): '''bind the widget's default event to function. Default event is: * click() for a button * value_changed(new_value) for value-type controls; usually fired after focus-lost or Return-press. ''' if type(widget) is tk.Frame: raise TypeError('Cannot assign a handler to a box.') elif isinstance(widget, tk.Button): widget.config(command=function) elif isinstance(widget, ScrolledText): widget.bind('<Return>', lambda ev:function(widget.get(1., 'end'))) widget.bind('<FocusOut>', lambda ev: function(widget.get(1., 'end'))) elif isinstance(widget, tk.Entry): widget.bind('<Return>', lambda ev:function(widget.variable.get())) widget.bind('<FocusOut>', lambda ev: function(widget.variable.get())) elif isinstance(widget, ttk.Treeview): widget.bind('<<TreeviewSelect>>', lambda ev: widget.variable.on_tv_focus(function)) else: widget.variable.trace('w', lambda *args: function(widget.variable.get()))
[docs] def getval(self, widget): if type(widget) is tk.Frame: return widget elif isinstance(widget, tk.LabelFrame): return widget.winfo_children()[0] elif isinstance(widget, ScrolledText): return widget.get(1., 'end') else: return widget.variable.get()
[docs] def setval(self, widget, value): if type(widget) in (tk.Frame, tk.LabelFrame): if type(widget) is tk.LabelFrame: widget = widget.winfo_children()[0] # Replace the frame with the given value if value.master is not widget.master: raise ValueError('Replacement widget must have the same master') # copy grid info grid_info = widget.grid_info() grid_info.pop('in', None) # remove frame widget.grid_forget() widget.destroy() # place new widget value.grid(**grid_info) elif isinstance(widget, ScrolledText): widget.delete(1., 'end') widget.insert('end', value) else: widget.variable.set(value)
[docs] def row_stretch(self, container, row, proportion): '''set the given row to stretch according to the proportion.''' container.grid_rowconfigure(row, weight=proportion)
[docs] def col_stretch(self, container, col, proportion): '''set the given col to stretch according to the proportion.''' container.grid_columnconfigure(col, weight=proportion)
[docs] def anchor(self, widget, left=True, right=True, top=True, bottom=True): sticky = '' if left: sticky += 'w' if right: sticky += 'e' if top: sticky += 'n' if bottom: sticky += 's' widget.grid(sticky=sticky)
[docs] def box(self, parent, id=None, text='', given_id=''): id = _unique(parent, id) if given_id and text: f = tk.LabelFrame(parent, name=id, text=text) inner = tk.Frame(f) inner.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nsew') else: f = tk.Frame(parent, name=id) return f
[docs] def label(self, parent, id=None, label_id=None, text=''): '''label''' id = _unique(parent, id) var = tk.StringVar(parent, text) l = tk.Label(parent, name=id, textvariable=var) l.variable = var return l
[docs] def button(self, parent, id=None, text=''): '''button''' id = _unique(parent, id) var = tk.StringVar(parent, text) b = tk.Button(parent, name=id, textvariable = var) b.variable = var return b
[docs] def textbox(self, parent, id=None, text=''): '''single-line text entry box''' id = _unique(parent, id) var = tk.StringVar(parent, text) e = tk.Entry(parent, name=id, textvariable=var) e.variable = var return e
[docs] def multiline(self, parent, id=None, text=''): id = _unique(parent, id) t = ScrolledText(parent, name=id, height=3) t.insert('end', text) return t
[docs] def treelist(self, parent, id=None, text='', columns=None): '''treeview (also usable as plain list) Implementation note: Uses a ttk.TreeView, and wraps it into a frame together with a vertical scrollbar. For correct placement, the .place, .grid, .pack methods of the returned tv are replaced by that of the frame. Returns the treeview widget (within the frame). ''' if columns: columns = [txt.strip() for txt in columns.split(',')] else: columns = [] id = _unique(parent, id) keys = [name.lower() for name in columns] has_first_column = bool(text) if has_first_column: keys.insert(0, '') columns.insert(0, text.strip()) # setup scrollable container frame = tk.Frame(parent) tv = ttk.Treeview(frame, columns=[k for k in keys if k]) scb = tk.Scrollbar(frame) scb.pack(side='right', fill='y') tv.pack(expand=1, fill='both') scb.config(command=tv.yview) tv.config(yscrollcommand=scb.set) # patch layout methods tv.pack = frame.pack = tv.grid = frame.grid tv.variable = NodelistVariable(tv, keys) # configure tree view if has_first_column: tv.heading('#0', text=text, command=lambda: tv.variable.on_heading_click('')) else: # hide first column tv['show'] = 'headings' for key, heading in zip(keys, columns): if not key: continue tv.heading(key, text=heading, command=lambda key=key: tv.variable.on_heading_click(key)) tv.bind('<<TreeviewOpen>>', tv.variable.on_gui_expand) # set up variable return tv
[docs] def dropdown(self, parent, id=None, text='', values=None): return self._dropdown(parent, id, text, values, False)
[docs] def combo(self, parent, id=None, text='', values=None): return self._dropdown(parent, id, text, values, True)
def _dropdown(self, parent, id=None, text='', values=None, editable=False): '''dropdown box; values is the raw string between the parens. Only preset choices allowed.''' id = _unique(parent, id) choices = [v.strip() for v in (values or '').split(',') if v.strip()] var = tk.StringVar(parent, text) cbo = ttk.Combobox(parent, name=id, values=choices, textvariable=var, state='normal' if editable else 'readonly') cbo.variable = var return cbo
[docs] def option(self, parent, id=None, text='', checked=None): '''Option button. Prefix 'O' for unchecked, '0' for checked.''' if not self._radiobutton_var: self._radiobutton_var = tk.StringVar(parent, id) rb = tk.Radiobutton(parent, text=text, variable=self._radiobutton_var, name=_unique(parent, id), value=id, ) if checked.strip(): self._radiobutton_var.set(id) rb.variable = self._radiobutton_var rb._id = id return rb
[docs] def checkbox(self, parent, id=None, text='', checked=None): '''Checkbox''' id = _unique(parent, id) var = tk.BooleanVar(parent, bool(checked.strip())) cb = tk.Checkbutton( parent, text=(text or '').strip(), name=id, variable=var, onvalue=True, offvalue=False ) cb.variable = var return cb
[docs] def slider(self, parent, id=None, min=None, max=None): '''slider, integer values, from min to max''' id = _unique(parent, id) var = tk.IntVar(parent, min) s = tk.Scale( parent, name=id, from_=min, to=max, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, variable=var ) s.variable = var return s
def _get_underline(self, text): '''returns underline, text''' if '&' in text: idx = text.index('&') return idx, text[:idx] + text[idx+1:] else: return None, text
[docs] def menu_root(self, parent): '''Create menu object and set as parent's menu.''' m = tk.Menu(parent, tearoff=0) parent.config(menu=m) return m
[docs] def menu_sub(self, parent, id, text): '''Append submenu labeled ``text`` to menu ``parent``.''' m = tk.Menu(parent, tearoff=0) underline, text = self._get_underline(text) parent.add_cascade(label=text, menu=m, underline=underline) return m
[docs] def menu_command(self, parent, id, text, shortcut, handler): '''Append command labeled ``text`` to menu ``parent``. Handler: ``func() -> None``, is immediately connected. ''' underline, text = self._get_underline(text) if shortcut: # make Tk compatible parts = shortcut.split('-') binding = '' shift = False for p in parts[:-1]: p = p.upper() if p=='S': shift=True binding += 'Shift-' elif p=='C': binding += 'Control-' elif p=='A': binding += 'Alt-' cmd = parts[-1] if len(cmd) > 1: # do not touch key name binding += cmd # single letter, look at shift elif shift: binding += cmd.upper() else: binding += cmd.lower() toplevel = parent while isinstance(toplevel, tk.Menu): toplevel = toplevel.master toplevel.bind('<'+binding+'>', lambda _: handler()) parent.add_command(label=text, command=handler, underline=underline, accelerator=shortcut)
class NodelistVariable: ''' Use ``get`` to return the ObsList; ``set`` to replace the value using a new list. All the on_ methods are internal event handlers. ''' def __init__(self, treeview, keys): self._keys = keys self._nl = ObsList(keys=keys, toolkit_parent_id='') self._nl.set_listener(self) self._tv = treeview def get(self): return self._nl def set(self, val): old_nl = self._nl if old_nl is not None: old_nl.set_listener(None) self._tv.delete(*self._tv.get_children()) self._nl = ObsList(val, meta=old_nl._meta, toolkit_parent_id='') self._nl.set_listener(self) for idx, item in enumerate(self._nl): iid = self.on_insert(idx, item, '') self._nl.toolkit_ids[idx] = iid # FIXME: _nl might already have children. def item_changed(self, item): '''For user code, to notify GUI that you did something to ``item`` ''' idx = self._nl.index(item) self.on_replace(idx, item) # === ObsList handlers === def on_insert(self, idx, item, toolkit_parent_id): '''create visible tree entry''' iid = self._tv.insert( toolkit_parent_id, idx, text=self._nl.retrieve(item) ) # insert placeholder so that "+" icon appears if self._nl.has_children(item): self._tv.insert(iid, 0, text='') self.on_replace(iid, item) return iid def on_load_children(self, children): '''replace subnodes''' self._tv.delete(*self._tv.get_children(children.toolkit_parent_id)) for idx, item in enumerate(children): iid = self.on_insert(idx, item, children.toolkit_parent_id) children.toolkit_ids[idx] = iid def on_replace(self, iid, item): '''replace visible tree entry''' tv = self._tv tv.item(iid, text=self._nl.retrieve(item)) for column in self._keys: if column == '': continue txt = str(self._nl.retrieve(item, column)) tv.set(iid, column, txt) self._update_sortarrows() def on_remove(self, iid): self._tv.delete(iid) def on_sort(self, nl): tv = self._tv _parent_iid = '' for idx, iid in enumerate(nl.toolkit_ids): tv.move(iid, _parent_iid, idx) self._update_sortarrows() def _update_sortarrows(self): tv = self._tv for key in self._keys: tv.heading(key or '#0', image='') if self._nl.sorted: image = _master_window.icons['sort_asc' if self._nl._meta.sort_ascending else 'sort_desc'] tv.heading(self._nl._meta.sort_key or '#0', image=image) def on_get_selection(self): iids = self._tv.selection() nodes = [] def add_nodes(nodelist): for node, tkid, childlist in zip( nodelist, nodelist.toolkit_ids, nodelist._childlists ): if tkid in iids: nodes.append(node) if childlist: add_nodes(childlist) add_nodes(self._nl) return nodes # === GUI event handlers === def on_tv_focus(self, function): iid = self._tv.focus() if not iid: return # get the node at idx and return its ref property (the original object) sublist, idx = self._nl.find_by_toolkit_id(iid) function(sublist[idx]) def on_gui_expand(self, stuff): iid = self._tv.focus() # retrieve the idx sublist, idx = self._nl.find_by_toolkit_id(iid) # on_load_children callback does the rest sublist.load_children(idx) def on_heading_click(self, key:str): if key == self._nl._meta.sort_key: ascending = True if not self._nl.sorted else not self._nl._meta.sort_ascending else: ascending = True self._nl.sort(key, ascending) """ self._parent_iid = parent_iid def _children_of(self, node, iterable): if self.attached: self.treeview.delete(*self.treeview.get_children(node._tk_iid)) # automatically inserts the children return NodelistTk(iterable, meta=self._meta, treeview=self.treeview, parent_iid=node._tk_iid) @property def loaded_nodes(self): '''return all nodes in tree regardless of which list they are in.''' childnodes = [ cn for node in self._nodes if node.children for cn in node.children.loaded_nodes ] return self._nodes + childnodes """